Daylight by EuroWindoor on 21 September 2022

Die SZFF/CSFF als Mitglied von EuroWindoor lädt Sie zu folgender Konferenz ein:
Free live stream of the conference “Daylight by EuroWindoor” at the glasstec in Dusseldorf on 21st September 2022
EuroWindoor was notified that there will be a live stream of the conferences at the glasstec, for which you do not need of a fair ticket. All which is needed is to register name and email address and to login on the day of the conference. Then the link to the live stream on the conference page will become available. It is possible to register already now:
The conference begins at 13:30h and ends at 16:00h. As the conference will be translated simultaneously the stream will be available in English and in German language. The link to join the live stream will appear after registration and login on 21st September at the conference program website for Wednesday:
- The General Secretariat prepared a news about the live stream we encourage you to share with your members. You can find the news here.